Stretching Techniques Every Kickboxer Should Know


Stretching Techniques: When considering how long an athlete can maintain their career at the top, Tom Brady stands out as the best example. At the impressive age of 44, he secured the second spot in this year’s MVP voting. So, what does Tom credit for his remarkable success at this stage in his life? Pliability.

According to Tom’s company, pliability refers to a condition where your muscles are elongated, flexible, and able to move freely, allowing them to effectively absorb and release forces. It also encompasses aspects like mobility, flexibility, stretching, and practices such as prehab and rehab exercises, including foam rolling. Stretching is one of the most effective ways to enhance your body’s flexibility and mobility.

Stretching is incredibly helpful for everyone, particularly for boxers and kickboxers, when done correctly. In the morning, our muscles tend to be cold and stiff, so it’s essential to warm them up properly before diving into your day or a kickboxing session. Check out our guide for effective morning stretching to help loosen those muscles.

Morning Stretching Routine Tips For Kickboxing and Boxing

Morning Stretching Routine Tips For Kickboxing and BoxingStarting your day off right can make a big difference, especially after a restful night. Establishing a morning routine is a great way to set a positive tone, and incorporating some stretching is key. Check out our favorite tips to kickstart your day!

Wake Up, Move, Then Stretch

  • It’s a good idea to avoid stretching right after you wake up.
  • Allow your body enough time to get your blood circulating, activate your nervous system, and warm up your muscles.
  • Start your day by brushing your teeth, following your morning routine, and making sure to drink some water. After about half an hour, you can kick off your stretching session.

Dynamic Stretching May Be Best

  • Dynamic stretches emphasize movement to fully engage your muscles, helping to warm them up and loosen them up for various activities.
  • Holding stretches for a longer duration, known as static stretching, can be quite helpful and is usually most effective when done after a workout.
  • If you’re looking for a great way to begin your day, give a brief foam rolling routine a shot, or opt for a dynamic stretching routine like this one!
  • Dynamic stretches are among the most effective warm-ups for kickboxing.

Consistency Is Key

  • Consistency is essential for making progress in fitness, just like in any other area of life.

    • To enhance your flexibility and see real improvement, it’s essential to practice consistently.
  • Just like foam rolling, stretching can easily be incorporated into your daily routine, even if you only have five minutes to spare.
  • A dedicated stretching routine can assist in keeping bad posture and muscle pain at bay, and it may also help in minimizing the chances of injury as time goes on.

Don’t Rush The Process

  • Just like weightlifting, stretching requires your body to gradually adjust to the new demands placed on it.
  • Take your time and approach this with care. Pay attention to your breathing and keep it steady as you begin.
  • After your workout, consider adding some stretching to your routine. For static stretches, aim to hold each position for 20-30 seconds to really reap the benefits.

Morning Stretch For Success

Creating a morning stretching routine is an excellent way to kick off your day, prepare your body for exercise, and aid in recovery after your workout. Make the most of your mornings as a personal time to energize and set a positive tone for the day ahead!

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