Amazing Benefits of Judo for Kids
Falling Safely
In Judo, you discover the art of falling safely, known as break-falling. Kids, being adventurous, often tumble off bikes, climb trees, or trip while running. Many end up with broken collarbones, arms, or legs. By mastering safe falling techniques, they can prevent these injuries, just like stunt performers do. This not only spares them from pain but also saves you from the costs associated with medical care for broken bones.
It’s Cheap
Judo is super affordable! Unlike many McDojos that trap families in pricey contracts and constantly squeeze them for extra fees, Judo is a budget-friendly option that won’t break the bank.
We React How We Train
One of the key reasons to consider is that your reactions are shaped by your training. If your training consists solely of punches and kicks, that’s what you’ll resort to in a real fight. This can lead to serious legal issues for both you and your child. The youth Judo program focuses on throws and pins, avoiding joint locks and strangulation techniques found in the adult classes. This means your child will ideally be able to throw the bully and hold them down until help arrives, significantly reducing the chances of any physical harm compared to striking.
A Tired Child Is A Happy Child
Judo is an excellent way to exhaust kids. The punching and kicking, particularly in mid-air, tends to get them all revved up, but the grappling and throwing aspects of Judo deliver a solid workout. Facing a fully resisting opponent means you’re giving it your all, and it can wear you out pretty fast.
They Might Make It To The Olympics
Judo is a proud Olympic sport with a long-standing history. While Tae Kwon Do has recently made its debut in the Olympics, Judo has been a respected part of the games for many years. Who knows? Your child might just be the one to represent the nation in Judo someday!
There you go! Five fantastic reasons why Judo is an excellent choice for kids. It lays a solid foundation, ensuring that by the time they reach thirteen and can train with someone like me, they’ll be ready to shine.
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